Approximated for

Connect and secure custom domains for merchants, easily and reliably.

How we can help

Automate Merchant Custom Domains

Your merchants need custom domains secured with SSL for branding and security. We make that easy and reliable.

"Approximated is an integral part of our infrastructure, helping us manage a ton of traffic on a daily basis. The technology is rock solid, and the API is very well documented.

We explored a few other tools before Approximated, but all were expensive and a pain to setup. We also debated building our own custom domain infrastructure until we found Approximated.

Within 15 minutes we were up and running, and our integration was ready and working in our app in just a few hours. The team has done a fantastic job and I can't recommend it enough.

If your application needs to handle custom domains with SSL, or even just redirects, then Approximated is a must-have service in your tech stack."

Hassan K.
Chief Technical Officer at EmailGuard

What we do

Approximated helps your business automate custom domains for your users at any scale with ease. We provide a managed infrastructure with a simple API, so that you can avoid building and maintaining servers, networks, and software dedicated to securing and routing custom domains.

  • Easily Integrated API.
    Our API is simple to use and easy to integrate. Your systems can call it whenever you need to create, update, or delete custom domains.
  • Automated SSL certificates.
    Approximated will manage these for you completely, removing an entire category of infrastructure for you to build and maintain.
  • Dedicated Global Distribution.
    We spin up dedicated infrastructure just for you, in regions all over the world, to give you redundancy and the best performance possible.

Built for the convenience, security, and reliability at scale that marketplaces need.

Approximated is designed to reliably and securely provision custom domains at scale, with convenience features that keep your support tickets low.

Easily integrated into your system.
Approximated takes hours, not months, to integrate. We often see successful integrations in the same day or week.
SSL certificates managed for you.
We completely take care of provisioning, monitoring, and renewing SSL certificates - including unexpected events like mass revocation by certificate authorities.
Multiple redundant certificate authorities.
We sign SSL certs with 5 separate authorities to handle high frequency provisioning and to ensure redundancy during potential CA outages.
Unlimited custom domains.
Create as many custom domains as you need, as quickly as you need them, without worrying about any plan or platform limits.
Automatic volume discounts.
We believe in rewarding our power users, so you'll get a 5% discount on your bill for every 1000 domains, up to 50% off.
SLAs and custom solutions available.
We offer SLAs and customizable solutions to fit even the most complex organizations, whatever your needs may be.

Reliability as a feature

Approximated treats reliability as a core feature, because uptime matters. Get powerful monitoring, self-healing systems, and expert support from developers.

custom domains served
of daily requests
of bandwidth served
average domain uptime

Managed & maintained for you

Convenience isn't enough when it comes to handling custom domains in production - everything needs to be rock solid and reliable.

Approximated has constant monitoring, globally distributed servers, and automatically self-healing clusters so that it's ultra reliable.

Sophisticated monitoring at every level

Approximated is always monitoring the SSL status, DNS resolution, proxy hit status, and more for every domain. No external monitoring or infrastucture required - Approximated includes this for free.

Self-healing clusters with intelligent routing

Frequent health checks for every region of your cluster allow Approximated to find and heal any potentials issues before you or your users run into them. Traffic is automatically be routed to the nearest working region during any repairs to avoid any downtime.

Predictably priced at
20 cents per custom domain

With a minimum of $20/month for less than 100 domains

Automatic discounts as you grow

Get 5% off of your domain costs for every 1000 domains, up to 50%

400 GB of bandwidth included

400 GB of monthly bandwidth. Extra bandwidth billed at $0.05/GB.

Estimate your costs
See how your pricing and discounts will scale as you grow

Ready to see more? Book a demo with us today.

Tell us about your needs and we'll give you a demo tailored just for you.

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App screenshot